الأربعاء، 26 ديسمبر 2012


The term grid computing originated in the early 1990s as a metaphor for making computer power as easy to access as an electric power grid. The power grid metaphor for accessible computing quickly became canonical when Ian Foster and Carl Kesselman published their seminal work, "The Grid: Blueprint for a new computing infrastructure" (2004). 

CPU scavenging and volunteer computing were popularized beginning in 1997 by distributed.net and later in 1999 by SETI@home to harness the power of networked PCs worldwide, in order to solve CPU-intensive research problems.[citation needed]

The ideas of the grid (including those from distributed computing, object-oriented programming, and Web services) were brought together by Ian Foster, Carl Kesselman, and Steve Tuecke, widely regarded as the "fathers of the grid".[6] They led the effort to create the Globus Toolkit incorporating not just computation management but also storage management, security provisioning, data movement, monitoring, and a toolkit for developing additional services based on the same infrastructure, including agreement negotiation, notification mechanisms, trigger services, and information aggregation. While the Globus Toolkit remains the de facto standard for building grid solutions, a number of other tools have been built that answer some subset of services needed to create an enterprise or global grid.

In 2007 the term cloud computing came into popularity, which is conceptually similar to the canonical Foster definition of grid computing (in terms of computing resources being consumed as electricity is from the power grid). Indeed, grid computing is often (but not always) associated with the delivery of cloud computing systems as exemplified by the AppLogic system from 3tera.

Grids are a form of distributed computing whereby a “super virtual computer” is composed of many networked loosely coupled computers acting together to perform very large tasks. This technology has been applied to computationally intensive scientific, mathematical, and academic problems through volunteer computing, and it is used in commercial enterprises for such diverse applications as drug discovery, economic forecasting, seismic analysis, and back office data processing in support for e-commerce and Web services


  What is the definitionof grid computing?
Grid computing is the federation of computer resources from multiple administrative domains to reach a common goal. The grid can be thought of as a distributed system with non-interactive workloads that involve a large number of files

What is grid computing from the point of view of infrastructure?

A grid computer is multiple number of same class of computers clustered together. A grid computer is connected through a super fast network and share the devices like disk drives, mass storage, printers and RAM Grid Computing is a cost efficient solution with respect to Super Computing Operating system has capability of parallelism
Buyya/Venugopal[25] define grid as "a type of parallel and distributed system that enables the sharing, selection, and aggregation of geographically distributed autonomous resources dynamically at runtime depending on their availability, capability, performance, cost, and users' quality-of-service requirements".
One of the main strategies of grid computing is to use middleware to divide and apportion pieces of a program among several computers, sometimes up to many thousands. Grid computing involves computation in a distributed fashion, which may also involve the aggregation of large-scale cluster computing-based systems.

What distinguishes grid computing from conventional high performance computing systems such as cluster computing

 is that grids tend to be more loosely coupled, heterogeneous, and geographically dispersed.[1] Although a single grid can be dedicated to a particular application, commonly a grid is used for a variety of purposes. Grids are often constructed with general-purpose grid middleware software libraries.
The size of a grid may vary from small—confined to a network of computer workstations within a corporation, for example—to large, public collaborations across many companies and networks. "The notion of a confined grid may also be known as an intra-nodes cooperation whilst the notion of a larger, wider grid may thus refer to an inter-nodes cooperation


How Grid Computing Works?


Grid computing offers a model for solving massive computational problems by making use of the unused resources (CPU cycles and/or disk storage) of large numbers of disparate computers, often desktop computers, treated as a virtual cluster embedded in a distributed telecommunications infrastructure. Grid computing’s focus on the ability to support computation across administrative domains sets it apart from traditional computer clusters or traditional distributed computing.

Grids offer a way to solve problems like protein folding, financial modelling, earthquake simulation, and climate/weather modeling. Grids offer a way of using the information technology resources optimally inside an organization. They also provide a means for offering information technology as a utility bureau for commercial and non-commercial clients, with those clients paying only for what they use, as with electricity or water.

Grid computing can solve problems which are too big for any single supercomputer, whilst retaining the flexibility to work on multiple smaller problems. Thus Grid computing provides a multi-user environment which uses secure authorization techniques to allow remote users to control computing resources.

Grid computing involves sharing heterogeneous resources (based on different platforms, hardware/software architectures), located in different places belonging to different administrative domains over a network using open standards. In short, it involves virtualizing computing resources.

Grid computing is often confused with cluster computing. The key difference is that a cluster is a single set of nodes sitting in one location, while a Grid is composed of many clusters and other kinds of resources (e.g. networks, storage facilities).

Grid computing environment is created to address resource needs. The use of that resource(s) (eg. CPU cycles, disk storage, data, software programs, peripherals) is usually characterized by its availability outside of the context of the local administrative domain.

One characteristic that currently distinguishes Grid computing from distributed computing is the abstraction of a ‘distributed resource’ into a Grid resource. One result of abstraction is that it allows resource substitution to be more easily accomplished. Some of the overhead associated with this flexibility is reflected in the middleware layer and the temporal latency associated with the access of a Grid (or any distributed) resource. This overhead, especially the temporal latency, must be evaluated in terms of the impact on computational performance when a Grid resource is employed

Key Components :

         Portal/user interface

Grid Security Inf\rastructure (GSI)


          Monitoring and Discovery Service (MDS)


         Data management

Grid Access to Secondary Storage (GASS)

         Job and resource management
Grid Resource Allocation Manager (

Grid Architecture:


the bottom “Fabric” layer represents different distributed resources from different administrative domains, such as supercomputers or parallel computing clusters, storage systems, scientific instruments and data resources. Those resources are managed by domain-specific resource managers and users access them via the non-standard interfaces of the resource managers or directly via the Operating System API. On a computing resource, the local resource manager, known as the local scheduler or batch scheduler, is responsible for allocating computing elements to users’ jobs, launching them and monitoring their executions. Some well-known local schedulers include Sun Grid Engine (SGE), Platform Load Sharing Facility (LSF), Portable Batch System (PBS) and IBM Load Leveler . System administrators of these systems may also deploy a resource monitoring system, such as Ganglia,to report resource load/failure status.

From bottom-up, the second layer, the “Connectivity” layer provides the core capabilities of the grid architecture for sharing individual resources, namely, the security infrastructure and the networking protocol. The security infrastructure is the middleware solutions to the grid security issues we mentioned before, and it is the core of the grid architecture. Currently, the standard solution is the Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI), which uses public key cryptography as the basis for its functionality. The networking capabilities make use of the widely deployed standard protocols, such as HTTP, TCP/IP, etc., and recently, web service communication protocols, such as SOAP, also become part of this layer as the grid architecture moves to service oriented architectures.

The third layer, the “Resource” layer, provides interfaces for single resource sharing, which include remote computational resource access, data sharing and replication and resource monitoring and auditing. From this layer, users are able to access individual resources using standard grid interfaces. Middleware solutions in the “Resource” layer and the “Connectivity” layer address those grid issues we mentioned in the last section and provide a standard and uniform interface to build higher level services to access multiple resources collaboratively. The middlewares in these two layers serve as the software glue between the grid resources and the applications. The open source Globus Toolkit is the de facto standard for providing these middlewares. We have a dedicated section next to introduce it.

While the “Resource” layer is focused on interactions with a single resource, the next layer in the architecture contains protocols and services that are not associated with any one specific resource but rather capture interactions across collections of resources . For this reason, the next layer of the architecture is referred to as the layer, the fourth layer in above Figure. Typical services include resource co-allocation, application scheduling on multiple resources, application workflow execution and monitoring, data discovery and retrievals. The work described in this dissertation belongs to this layer. Software developed in this layer varies according to the application needs of the upper “Applications” layer and it is hard to provide a general solution that fits the various types of applications.

Softwares in the “Applications” layer provide an end-user environment to use a grid for domain applications, for example, a portal interface to submit computation job or transfer files from web browser; an interface or tool to develop grid applications. The middleware functionalities in this layer also depend on the requirements of applications and users, and they are developed together with services in the layer.

To build a grid, the development and deployment of a number of middlewares are required, including those for the standard services, such as security, information, data and resource allocation services, and those services for application development, execution management, resource aggregation, and scheduling. Again, choosing which middleware to develop and/or to deploy depends on the requirements of both the applications and users, and there is no standard configuration for setting up a general-purpose grid.

    :The difference between grid computing and cloud computing


is hard to grasp because they are not always mutually exclusive. In fact, they are both used to economize computing by maximising existing resources. Additionally, both architectures use abstraction extensively, and both have distinct elements which interact with each other.

However, the difference between the two lies in the way the tasks are computed in each respective environment. In a computational grid, one large job is divided into many small portions and executed on multiple machines. This characteristic is fundamental to a grid; not so in a cloud.

The cloud computing is intended to allow the user to avail of various services without investing in the underlying architecture. While grid computing also offers a similar facility for computing power, cloud computing isn’t restricted to just that. A cloud can offer many different services, from web hosting, right down to word processing. In fact, a computing cloud can combine services to present a user with a homogenous optimized result.

There are many computing architectures often mistaken for each other because of certain shared characteristics. Again, each architecture is not mutually exclusive, however they are indeed distinct conceptually


The difference between grid computing and Virtualization?

Grid Computing
Grid Computing involves a network of computers that are utilized together to gain large supercomputing type computing resources. Using this network of computers large and complex computing operations can be performed. In grid computing these network of computers may be present in different locations.

A famous Grid Computing project is Folding@Home. The project involves utilizing unused computing powers of thousands of computers to perform a complex scientific problem. The goal of the project is "to understand protein folding, misfolding, and related diseases".


Virtualization introduces a layer between Hardware and operating system. During the sixties mainframe started supporting many users using virtual machines. These virtual machines simulated behavior of an operating system for each user. VMWare launched a product called VMware Workstation in 1999 that allows multiple operating systems to run on personal computers.

The virtualization forms the foundation of cloud technology. Using virtualization, users can access servers or storage without knowing specific server or storage details. The virtualization layer will execute user request for computing resources by accessing appropriate resources.

Typically server utilization in data centers can be as low as 10%.
Virtualization can help in significantly improving server utilization.

:          advantage of grid computing

•is that it reduces the time taken to complete tasks, without increasing costs.

•Computers on a grid are not necessarily in the same geographical location, and can be spread out over multiple countries and organizations, or even belong to individuals.

:  Disadvantages of Grid Computing

Grid computing has great potential, but there are still absent features waiting for implementation. Furthermore, there are still particular disadvantages of grid computing that must not be overlooked.

As expected, the first disadvantage concerns the relative immaturity of the concept. This is especially noticeable when talking about the missing features, non-defined standards and software. On the subject of software, some applications require modifications in order to use all the benefits of grid computing. It is also important to mention that applications which are not designed to use an MPI (Message Passing Interface) will have to revert to an SMP (Symmetric Multi-Processing).

The biggest disadvantage of grid computing though, concerns processes and their results. More specifically, the results of all processes are sent first on all nodes within the grid, and then collaboratively assessed. Before the final assessment is made, it is not possible to define or to declare a final outcome. This is particularly a problem when talking about time sensitive projects. Furthermore, another important disadvantage of grid computing is that it relies heavily on dispersed data management (which is a very important concept in cloud computing) and connectivity (connectivity errors may occur unexpectedly). 

Furthermore, grid computing requires an advanced infrastructure: small servers, fast connections between the servers and finally, in order to maximize the potential of that infrastructure, it requires the use of quality tools, software and skilled technicians to manage the grid. In other words, when all these components are put together, it is obvious that this technology is costly. In certain occasions, it is not possible to change how data is displayed on screen. Naturally, as it is a case with every computing network, it is important to pay a maximum attention to security issues.

Finally, there is also a problem with people who don't want to share their resources, despite the fact that everybody involved with the resource sharing would benefit.

Why need Grid Computing?

Core networking technology now accelerates at a much faster rate than advances in microprocessor speeds

Exploiting under utilized resources

Parallel CPU capacity

Virtual resources and virtual organizations for collaboration

Access to additional resources

Not just computer scientists

scientists “hit the wall” when faced with situations:

The amount of data they need is huge and the data is stored in different institutions.

The amount of similar calculations the scientist has to do is huge.

Other areas:




Industrial design

Some application :

         The Southern California Earthquake Center uses Globus software to visualize earthquake simulation data.


Scientists in the Earth System Grid (ESG) are producing, archiving, and providing access to climate data that advances our understanding of global climate change. ESG uses Globus software for security, data movement, and system monitoring


         Computational scientists at Brown University are using the Globus Toolkit and MPICH-G2 to simulate the flow of blood through human arteries.


         Globus Toolkit-driven Grid computing is central to management of large datasets generated by colliders such as those at CERN. This simulation shows two colliding lead ions just after impact, with quarks in red, blue, and green and hadrons in white.


Other Grid Applications

There are many smaller computational grids that exist all over the globe. Typically applications like weather forecasting, protein folding and earthquake simulation are prime candidates for a grid infrastructure. Grids have also been used to render large-scale animation projects, like movies.

There are many uses for computational grids, which are beginning to surface more since the volume of data that is generated, and as a result analyzed at a later stage, grows exponentially every day.


Software implementations and middleware

Globus Toolkit

Sun Grid Engine



SDSC Storage resource broker (data grid)

gLite (EGEE)

NInf GridRPC


Java CoG Kit

Overview of Security Issues

Grid computing has distinct security issues compared to traditional computing systems, be it stand-alone, or networked architecture. The major security problems with grid computing include:

·         Impact on Local Host: Grid computing involves running an alien code in the host system. This external code can hamper jobs running locally, and compromise local data security.

·         Vulnerable Hosts: Clients using the grid remain in danger from the local hosts. The major vulnerabilities include the local hosts shutting down resulting in denial of service, viruses, or other malware in the local host affecting the entire process, and local hosts compromising client data integrity and confidentiality.

·         Interception: One major security risk with grid computing is an attacker intercepting the resources and data in the grid. The attack can take various forms such as a distributed denial-of-service (DDOS) attack and the like.

·         Packet Losses: Interruption of nodes during the routing process to send packets from source to destination decreases total packet delivery and loss or corruption of data

The extent of security risks when using smart grid depends on the intellectual property put in the hosted environment


A monitoring agency with the following roles can resolve most of the grid computing security concerns with grid systems:

•Monitoring resource usage.

•Institution of a trust management system to create, manage, and negotiate trust among the different units in the grid.

•Establishing an authorization system to authorize user access specific resources.

The user running an application on a remote machine in the grid-computing network requires assurance of the machine retaining its integrity, to ensure that proprietary application remains safe. The local host requires a similar assurance regarding the client data and processes that run on the host. While the safeguards of a traditional system aim at protecting the system and data from its users, the security orientation of grid systems need to go a step ahead and also protect applications and data from the system where the computation takes place.

Grid computing security requires strong authentication and restrictions on local execution from remote systems. Some of the ways include:

•Secure grid communication using public key cryptography.

•Authentication or verifying identity of the participant. Traditional                           systems authenticate clients to protect the server, grid systems require    mutual authentication to ensure protection against attackers.

•Single sign on or delegation capacity, to reduce the number of   times a user needs to enter password


•SSL Layers.

•Filtering and auditing of data.

•Erasure of data after use.

•Advanced measures for security in grid computing such as hardware based Virtual Private Network (VPN), which involves moving grid processors into the VPN at the start of a session and out at its conclusion, and restricting client-side access to the grid to named users.

The business gains resulting from grid computing already outweigh the security risks, and as security problems with grid computing find even more resolution with further advancement of technology, grid computing is poised to become commonplace.



Despite the described disadvantages of grid computing, this technology has many benefits and it seems likely that it will be used more and more in different computational grid projects, especially for biomedical, industrial and financial research, but also in chemistry and medicine. One of the most famous exponents of grid computing is the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), as they use (among others) the concept for the Large Hadron Collider (LHC).


Some grid computing projects around the world *:

1) European Union DataGrid www.eu-datagrid.org EU physical and environmental applications and information - vital
. Grid Physics Network Griphyn.org American National Foundation for Science (NSF) physical analysis of experimental data and wide-ranging
. Information Power Grid www.ipg.nasa.gov U.S. Agency for Aviation and Space Sciences Research Support Aviation
. Singapore BioGrid www.nic.nus.edu.sg / biogrid Singaporean government research informatics - Vital

Important events:

The Fourth International workshop on Grid Computing (GridCom-2012)  (

The 13th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Grid Computing

International Journal of Grid Computing & Applications (IJGCA)

ISSN : 0976-9404 [Online]; 2229-3949 [Print


 to see more

Thank You !

 “You may say I'm a dreamer

But I'm not the only one

I hope someday you'll join us

And the world will be as one”

Beatles <Imagine>


         IBM Grid Computing:www-03.ibm.com/grid/index.shtml

         Kourpas, June 2006

         “Introduction to Grid Computing”  ---IBM Redbook,2005

         Grid Computing:Past,Present, and Future”--- by Elias Kourpas, June 2006


         Introduction to Grid Computing”  ---IBM Redbook,2005


هناك 7 تعليقات:

  1. what is the better in security grid computer or cloud computer????
    bshair ahmad


    1. each technology have a weakness
      but grid computing security best from cloud computing security

      53%of decision-makers said that fears about the security of the data is what prevents the transition to a cloud computing environment

      my wishes

    2. أزال المؤلف هذا التعليق.

  2. Cloud Computing vs. Grid Computing
    The difference between grid computing and cloud computing is hard to grasp because they are not always mutually exclusive. In fact, they are both used to economize computing by maximising existing resources. Additionally, both architectures use abstraction extensively, and both have distinct elements which interact with each other.

    However, the difference between the two lies in the way the tasks are computed in each respective environment. In a computational grid, one large job is divided into many small portions and executed on multiple machines. This characteristic is fundamental to a grid; not so in a cloud.

    The computing cloud is intended to allow the user to avail of various services without investing in the underlying architecture. While grid computing also offers a similar facility for computing power, cloud computing isn’t restricted to just that. A cloud can offer many different services, from web hosting, right down to word processing. In fact, a computing cloud can combine services to present a user with a homogenous optimized result.

    There are many computing architectures often mistaken for each other because of certain shared characteristics. Again, each architecture is not mutually exclusive, however they are indeed distinct conceptually.

  3. masha allah I think you are cover every thing a bout this topic I want to add the difference between Distributed computing and grid computing
    Distributed computing vs grid computing
    Distributed Computing is one of the branch which is can be said to be a form of Grid Computing. Distributed computing presents the idea of scattering processing across system boundaries, without any limitation as imposed in a clustered computing.

    welcom to my blog If you want more information a bout distributed computing


    Thanks Amira
